Sunday, June 2, 2013

Goodbye NY, Hello CT

We crossed another state off today and made it to Kent, Connecticut. We are staying the night with one of Matt Marcus's friends who is also named Matt. He has been such a great host and we have already showered, done laundry, had pizza, and recorded our trail raps in his studio tonight.
Yesterday was pretty hot, but one cool thing that happened is that a motorcylcist saw us and offered some trail take us skydiving! Unfortunately it was not free and we also had to keep going so we declined.  These past two days have been very pretty.

We did a 16.8 and then 21.5. I had to get to town before the outfitter closed so I got up at 5:00, a personal best and made it into town by 1:30. 

1 comment:

  1. When you make it into Dalton, MA, be sure to go by the post office. Pops and I mailed you and Matt a package today via Priority Mail.
