About Us


Matt -

Sky diving.  Heli-skiing.  Swimming across the Atlantic.  Climbing Mt. Everest.  Getting tonsils removed.  Just to name a few of the things Matt has never done before.  Matt has also never hiked the Appalachian Trail, so when asked by Michael to join him on the AT, Matt said no.  But on further realization of the incredible opportunity he could be passing up and knowing how many times Matt has kept Michael out of trouble, Matt changed his answer to yes.  Despite having to be redshirted for the spring season of intramurals, which would include letting go of his starting position at center on the basketball C Team, Matt knew that taking a semester off to hike the AT would be a good breather from the grueling academic life that is Georgia Tech.  Matt is excited to get out of the city and to be in God's beautiful creation every day.

Mike -

August 10th, 1997. This was the first day of kindergarten for Michael, and on that very day he sat next to a spunky looking kid named Matt and asked him to hike the Appalachian Trail with him.  Ever since then, they were destined to embark on this journey, which will commence on March 2nd, 2013.  Growing up, Michael always appreciated the time spent outdoors on rugged man trips with his dad, but these were only small weekend retreats.  Having lived in the same place his whole life, and then going to college 15 miles away, Michael knew it was time to spread his wings. Michael plans on tackling this trek with only three things on his back: his Bible, an American flag, and the Norman Shield, the three things that this great country was founded on.
In a more serious tone, the most important thing to me is my faith in God, and I can only hope that this journey will help me learn from Him and appreciate life all the more.


  1. SO very excited for you both!
    What a great opporunity, and how awesome that you guys have chosen to highlight missions that we can donate to 'support' you in your efforts.
    So proud of you both - have an incredible adventure!

  2. Mike - I haven't met you yet but I work with your Dad. He told me this was your dream some day and I hoped you would keep it. Even though I don't know you, I am proud of your desire and drive to make this trek, but I am sure not as much and your Mom and Dad. Godspeed and our thoughts and prayers will be with you both as you continue on!!!

    Tony Queen

  3. M&M,

    In Franconia Notch, be sure to look for the Old Man in the Mountain, the rock formation on the NH license plates (or where he used to be - there was a slide a few years ago, I understand).

