Saturday, July 13, 2013

Matt and Mike Took a Hike

March 2, 2013 to July 13, 2013

We walked 2,185.9 miles from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mt. Katahdin, Maine. 


  1. Matt and Mike:

    Congrats!!! It was a truly pleasure following you guys. My son and I love to backpack and through hiking the AT has always been a dream.

    God Bless and safe travels back to Marietta on four wheels.

    Lott Glover

  2. Wow! What a view! Congratulations!!! You made it! So happy for you both!

    Makes me smile! Can't wait to see you in person!!!

  3. woooooooooooooo hhhooooooooooooooo so so happy for you both. well well done!!!!

  4. Congratulations on a great adventure and for finishing what you guys started! You should be proud.

    Gobbler '11

  5. Enjoy the jerny home. I'll miss hiking with you guys.

    No, I'm being serious.

  6. Congratulations and Great Job! Thanks for letting me share the finish with you guys. It was great to meet Chino and Ayce and his family/friends too. You two had some great hiking partners! We can't wait to hear all the stories. I think we will need a hazardous waste permit to allow your clothes back into Georgia! See you soon!

  7. Congratulations! Looks like you got a beautiful day. We're going to get there in about a week. Happy for you!

  8. Congrats to both of you.

    It was a pleasure to be on top of Katahdin to cheer you on those last few steps to the top - as it was to leapfrog with you those last few days.

    Job well done.

  9. 19, 2013 at 12:14 PM

    Amazing job guys. Matt, it was a pleasure meeting/hiking with you back in Maryland. CONGRATS!!!!!
