Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! We had a pretty easy 25 mile day. It was pretty much flat the whole way. Unfortunately LarryBoy and Blue Moon didn't go the 25 miles today, but we're staying at a shelter with Chino who we met yesterday. He hiked for a while with Justin in 2005! We saw the Washington Monument today and some other pretty cool historic stuff. Maryland is pretty much just a large museum.

Also, thanks to my dad's cousin Charles for helping us in Harpers Ferry and for the homemade beef jerky. It tastes incredible!


  1. Thanks for the Mother's Day wishes!!! Your moms love you! Glad to hear the hike is going well!
    Half way there!!!

  2. That looks like Solo Mountain north of Harpers Ferry. Back when my wife was my girlfriend she was living in Frederick (I had since moved down to Atlanta). I came to visit her on Spring Break, brought my hiking gear, and figured I'd spend a few days in the mountains. I wound up hiking straight into a blizzard, my tent pole broke and I had to hoof it through the night to a shelter. She spent two or three days a)ticked off that I came up there just to go out in the woods and b)worried sick that I had died in the storm. She manages to bring that up every time I go out for an extended backpacking trip.

    You guys seem to be having a blast and keeping it light. Good work. Ted
