Monday, May 20, 2013

Sun came out today!

We did an easy 24 today to make it to Port Clinton, PA. I didn't expect to be running into so many towns but I can't really complain! They have a pavilion for hikers here that we are sleeping under. When we got here we hitched to town with Passover and did some laundry and got some groceries. It was the local barber who gave us a ride. But by the time we were done it was dark and we were a few miles away from the pavilion. We didn't think anyone would pick us up but we got lucky with a hitch (it helps to have a girl) and a guy drove us out if his way here! Matt hadn't taken any pictures today so I had to resort to this awesome selfie I just took. Enjoy...


  1. That's kind of a scary looking selfie! :) I thought you were going to say that the barber gave you a haircut, but I can see that you are still growing your lovely locks! I'm sure your beautiful looks scare away a few drivers But thank goodness for girls! You guys are persevering!!! Keep walking the walk! We love y'all!

  2. Just found Port Clinton on my hanging map of the AT and you're at EYE Level!!! You are making great progress! Can't believe how far you've traveled on foot!!!!!

  3. You look pretty scruffy. I am amazed that you're hitching rides and even more amazed that someone actually stops!
