Sunday, April 14, 2013

A day in the life of Michael's stomach

We are sleeping at mile 565 tonight at Chestnut Knob shelter. Luckily this one is stone and has four walls because it is supposed to rain tonight! The hiking has been great, today we took a two hour nap in the middle of the day. We have been hiking in good weather and through scenic farmlands and mountains.

Also, this is a list of everything I ate today! This gives you an idea what our average diet is like.

Poptarts... 800 calories
Almonds... 170 calories
Cheetos... 150 calories
Oatmeal... 280 calories
1400 total

Mangos... 455 calories
Snickers... 280 calories
Cheetos... 150 calories
Almonds... 170 calories
Clif shot blocks... 200 calories
1255 total

Tuna salad... 100 calories
Flour tortillas... 260 calories
Soda (from trail magic)... 150 calories
Salami... 240 calories
Nutella... 200 calories
Peanut butter... 380 calories
Honey... 30 calories
Pepperoni... 140 calories
1800 total

Salami... 240 calories
Bear Creek chili... 780 calories
Cheetos... 300 calories
Almonds... 170 calories
Peanut butter... 460 calories
Zebra cakes... 660 calories
2530 total

Grand total:
7065 calories!

I've been out of school a little while so if my math is wrong forgive me.

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