Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Road to Damascus

Only Jacob Moxley would night hike 4.7 miles carrying 2 boxes of pizzas and a gallon of Gatorade. Thank you sir. You are incredible.

After about a 17 mile hike going up and down mountains and around a pretty lake, we got to Vandeventer Shelter Friday night where we knew Jacob would be meeting us to hike with us for the next couple of days. We knew Jacob would be there late so we went to bed a little after dark. At 10:30, we were rudely awakened to two pizzas and a gallon of Gatorade. It was the best rude awakening one could ask for. We shared some of the pizza with the other hikers in shelter (Rash, Gummy Bear, and Larry Boy) and caught up with Jacob for a little bit before going back to sleep.

In the morning, we saw a beautiful sunrise over clouds on top of a lake. It was really cool. Then we headed out to do about 22 miles with Jacob (man he's a fast hiker). Jacob plowed through at about 4 mph pace (light speed). It was great to hike with him, catch up, and hear about Marine Corps life.

Our 22 mile day, we were fortunate enough to get trail magic twice, 1st lunch and 2nd lunch! A guy named Nomad decided to get off the trail in Erwin to buy a van and do trail magic up and down the trail. Thank you Nomad!

The next day we crossed into Virginia (home for the next 550ish miles)! We made it to Damascus, had lunch, then Mr. Smith showed up to take Jacob back to his car. Thank you again Mr. Smith!

Since then, we've been chillin' in Damascus. We took a zero yesterday. We hung out by the river, ate a lot, and ate some more.

Side story: the other night, Gummy asked us if we had any plans for Katahdin. We said we didn't really have any yet, but then Rash piped up in his thick southern accent and said, "I know what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna cry like a bitch then go get me some lobster." Sounds like a pretty good plan to me.

We're headed out today! Shout out to everyone in the ATL. Sounds like it was a great weekend. Go Braves!

1 comment:

  1. Man yall are well loved!!! What happens when you pass the mason dixon line... do you have friends in the north?? Better rally John Dillard's friends! Haha
